
Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home


Serving families is their passion, their commitment and their expertise. Whether you’re planning a funeral or cremation service for a loved one, or making your own arrangements in advance, meaningful life celebrations begin with Dignity Memorial’s compassionate funeral and event planners.

For Dignity Memorial providers, there is no greater honor than helping to remember a life lived. They are dedicated, local professionals committed to getting every detail right, every time. They do this by listening, caring and guiding each and every family who walks through their doors. It’s why they have become a trusted part of the communities they serve and why families consistently give them 5-star ratings for exceptional care.

Contact Information for Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home

(501) 661-9111

5800 W 12th Street

Little Rock, AR 72204

To deliver flowers to Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home, contact the Tipton & Hurst location below.

Griffin Leggett Healey & Roth Funeral Home Location

Delayed Opening

All locations open at 11am today due to winter weather.

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