Free Roses!
When you spend $75 or more on roses to be delivered on or before February 12th, you’ll receive a voucher for one FREE Dozen Cash and Carry Roses to be redeemed during the months of June, July, or August! The second dozen roses will be available in store, and to redeem them just show us your receipt from your Valentine’s Day purchase or your email confirmation. Just make sure to give us a valid email at check out!
Sooner is Sweeter!
Can’t wait to say Happy Valentine’s Day? Make your gift even more special and deliver early. You’ll receive ½ priced delivery when delivery is scheduled through Tuesday, February 12. All Valentine orders delivered before Valentine’s Day will receive a card saying “I Just Couldn’t Wait To Tell You Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Bigger is Better!
 Bigger is better, and we’ll tell you why: when you buy more roses, the arrangement will be larger, obviously, but the value increases! For instance, a half dozen roses costs $50. That’s almost $10 per rose, but when you go up to the 3 dozen roses, they’re only $5.50 each! Plus, who doesn’t want their Valentine to have the biggest and the best?
Click here to shop the Valentine’s Day Collection now!